Monday, 23 March 2015

Accessories of Malay traditional wedding

Malay wedding ceremony's activities take place during a Malay wedding come from the diverse cultural traditions indigenous, Hindu and Islamic that have together served to shape traditional Malay culture. The numerous activities constitute a Malay wedding may be conveniently be divided into three groups representing three stages.The first group of activities, all of which precede the actual wedding ceremony, consist of (a) the investigation (merisik), (b) the engagement or approach to formalise the arrangement (meminang), and (c) the hantaran or the sending of gifts and part of the amount of money (wang belanja) for expenses (wang belanja) which the boy’s family give to the girl’s side that will be incurred by the girl’s family.         Below, we provide things and accessories that include in Malay wedding ceremony. 

Enjoy the picture :)

on wedding reception

Bridal bed

Wedding dress

Songket dress


Trays gift for brides

Beautiful variation of trays

'Sirih junjung'

Besides, we also visit a bridal boutique that provide Malay traditional wedding at 1st floor, KK Plaza building. The name of the boutique is Galeri Pesona anggun which before this the name of the boutique is Galeri Kasih Sayang. A little bit history about this boutique, on early of September 2014, this boutique owned by new owner, Puan Watie. Here, we also have take a picture with Puan Watie.


  1. Interesting topic but some information was missed out in the blog.

  2. Loved it! Thanks for sharing. Best wishes from BigFday.
